Wednesday, July 2, 2008 

First floods, now pesky mosquitoes for Midwest (AP)

Dr. Anju Peters shows where a swarm of mosquitoes attacked her daughter Sonia, 7, last week leading to an outbreak of hives, swelling and a rash Wednesday, July 2, 2008, in Chicago. Heavy rains and warm temperatures that have hit the Midwest are creating ideal conditions for these bugs. (AP Photo\Russel A. Daniels)AP - First came the floods - now the mosquitoes. An explosion of pesky insects are pestering clean-up crews and just about anyone venturing outside in the waterlogged Midwest.

It is common for cats to have some behavior issues. Regrettably, problem cat behavior is the reason why many cats end up in the humane society. Sad but true, many lovable cats have been sent to the pound because their owners just didn't know how to handle their bad behavior. Fortunately, keeping a few things in mind can solve many cat problems.

If you have a problem cat, chances are they display aggressive behavior or they don't use their litter box. These are two of the most common problems that can be cured with a little work. Always remember that your cat is an animal with natural instincts and that you must be patient while working with them.

Aggressive cats are usually maladapted because of a past environment that was stressful. Stressful environments are those in which the cat felt a need to defend itself and be "on guard" all the time. A stressful environment could have been caused by the effects of another cat, several cats, an abusive owner, even a small child.

Whatever the reason for your cats bad behavior, the main thing to remember is to have patience with your cat. Consider what they may have faced in their past and why they might exhibit the problem behavior.

Give your cat some attention; try to play with them at least 5-10 minutes each day. Pet or brush your cat and speak in a soothing voice, tell them often how good they are. When your cat displays aggression, immediately stop being friendly and HISS at them. You'd be surprised how well it works to speak in their native tongue!

If you are having a problem with your cat not using the litter box, there are several things to keep in mind. Cats like privacy and cleanliness so make sure you put the litter box in a private area and change it once a day. Also, make sure the area is quiet and away from any loud noises such as those made by laundry machines.

Closets and bathrooms are often an ideal place for litter boxes. Moving the litter box to the other side of a room or even shifting it a few feet can sometimes solve the problem. The most important thing is that your cat feels secure while using the bathroom.

There is always a reason behind problem cat behavior so remember to keep this in mind. It is important to have patience and be willing to spend time socializing with your cat. Do your best to give them what they need and your former problem cat will soon become a great friend.

Do you know what makes your kitty tick? Many behavior problems can be solved through simple, step-by-step techniques. Click here to read more about some effective methods.

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